Monday, September 16, 2013

Your Personal Utopia and Dystopia

HW for Tuesday, 9/17:

In the COMMENT space below, please write a short response of no more than 500 words to the following questions:

1. If you could design a utopia to live in, what would it look like?
2. If you could design a dystopia (that you wouldn't ever want to live in), what would it look like?

Your response should be creative, descriptive, and as precise as possible. It's not enough to just say, "My dystopia would be a bad place to live." You need to explain WHAT EXACTLY is bad about it. Is there an oppressive government? Is there no freedom? Who has power? Who doesn't?

IMPORTANT POINT #1: In order to comment on this post, you need to have a Google ID. If I understand correctly, you already have a Google ID from the Newton Public Schools, but if you would like to use your personal Google ID (or create one), that would be fine as well. A Google ID is free and comes with no strings attached.

IMPORTANT POINT #2: if you can't see the COMMENT space, click on the Blog Title ("Your Personal Utopia and Dystopia") above and then scroll to the bottom.

Have fun!
Learn something!


  1. A utopia for me would be a place with never ending happiness. Sadness and self hate would not exist. I would be surrounded by my family and friends. I would be able to talk to my passed away loved ones and any celebrity or artist I wanted to. Everyone would never have anything to worry about. There would also be endless internet and tumblr :)

    My dystopia would be the opposite of my utopia. Everyone I love would have disappeared and I would be surrounded by everyone I hate and bad people in the world. Also, I would be immortal. There would be no happiness or fun, just work and sadness. Also, there would be no flowers or green beautiful trees. Only dead plants. Lastly I wouldn't be able to use the internet or tumblr :(

    1. My perfect utopia would be a place that was surrounded by love and happiness. I would be surrounded by my family and friends at all time. Everyone would have a voice, and be able to do what they wanted. Freedom and justice would always be present. There would be no wars or big conflicts. Sickness would not exist and everyone would always be healthy. I would be able to live at Camp Vega all my life and live on echo lake with my best friends. I would be able to waterski everyday and do activities I love with the people I love the most. There would never be any stress, just peace all the time. If teenagers knew what they wanted to do for a job then they could go ahead and pursue it. Success would be granted to everyone. All wishes would come true. I would always be happy in the place I love the most enjoying pure bliss.

      In my dystopia darkness and sorrow would be happening at all times. There would be no freedom or justice, and I would have to abide by awful rules. Family and friends would never be present. I would never be allowed to step foot in Camp Vega because that is a place filled with joy, and I would never be allowed to be exposed to that. I would have to eat the same meal everyday, and do the same tedious work. War would be constantly happening. Everyone would always get hurt or wounded. I would be locked in a dark room at night staring at the walls. The only emotions I am able to feel is pain, anger, and sadness. Non of my wishes would ever come true and I would be stuck in the dark shadows of oppression.

  2. My utopia would be a place where everyone was happy, and all my dreams would come true. There would be no hate, and no enemies. People would be able to get free movies, and music, whenever, and wherever they want. I'd be able to hang out with anyone I wanted to, and there would be no age limit for driving. Clothing stores would be really inexpensive, and so would most stores. Starbucks and Pinkberry would be served for free at school. People would always be smiling, and everything would be fun. People would have so much freedom, and there would be no specific power force. The world would be colorful, bright, and energetic.

    My dystopia would be filled with sadness, anger, and rage. People would constantly torment each other. Everything would be boring, and worthless. The world would be colorless, and so would everyones personalities. There would be no fun left in the world. Also, there would be no electricity, so there would be no movies, texting, internet, music ect. We would all work or do nothing all day. There would be strict policies on what everyone could wear, say, and do, and where everyone could go. We would all be ruled by a single person, who always tried to destroy us. The world would be dull, depressing, and worthless.


  3. My utopia would be a warm, sunny place where I could spend all my time with people that make me happy, like friends and family. I would be able to spend all my time having fun and not worry about judgement or what is accepted. Everyone would be equal. All I would care about was being with the people who make me happiest. I could swim, relax at the beach and go on vacation any time. I would not be stressed out. I wouldn't have a care in the world. I could spend all the time I wanted with my crimson family where there would be no problems. We would just have fun all the time. I would be able to do anything I wanted with my best friends.

    My dystopia would be a world full of stress, judgement, and worry. There would be no swimming, beaches, and the food would be disgusting. My friends an family would be completely separate from me and i would never see or spend time with them. I would live in the cold where it was never over 40 degrees and snowed all year long. Also everyone would judge each other and people would not be equal or accepted for who they are. Nothing would be fair and I would be sad and angry all the time. Lastly, I would have no friends or people I could count on.

  4. My utopia would be a place surrounded by happiness and joy. I would be with the people I loved and would spend all my time with them. I would be stress free and not have anything to worry about. I would go to the beach or a sunny place where I could always be relaxed. I could spend as much time as I want doing whatever I want and everyone including me would be happy. There would be no problems or arguments. It would be a peaceful, relaxing place full of happiness and the people that I loved.

    My dystopia would be a dreary, cold place with no fun or happiness. Everyone would be stressed all the time and there would be non stop fighting. Everyone would judge people and no one would be friendly to one another. There would be pollution everywhere so no one could be outside. No one could be relaxed and nothing would be peaceful. I would have no friends or people that I loved and i would be lonely all the time. The world would be depressing, judgmental and full of fighting.

  5. My utopia would be a warm 83 degree paradise all year round. Everywhere would have a mix of beaches, forests, mountains and meadows. No tree would ever die or turn brown because there would be just enough rain to keep healthy crops but not enough rain to ever have flooding or thunder.In my utopia every person has a family who loves them and no one would feel judgement from anyone. There would be no hate or discrimination.No one would ever feel bad about anything and the emotions of jealousy, rage, disappointment or stress. No one would have anything to worry about. there would be no homework or responsibilities. Now for the food in my utopia, people can eat whatever they want but no vegetables or nuts. It would be recommended to have a full stockpile of desserts, fruits, pastas and cheeses in case anyone wants food in the neighborhood. Everyone here is very healthy and lives until 120. Children would only go to school to learn about what they are interested in. No one would force anyone to do anything they didn't want to do. In school, children would be able to talk and be friends with anyone they want to be friends with.Children would also have the chance to spend time with family and friends as much as they want every day.

    My dystopia would be a perfectly imperfect world where every person has thousands of responsibilities and no one ever sleeps or has time to relax. Everyday children are bombarded with hours of homework and hours of school where they are forced to learns things that the teachers know the students won't need. Parents have very high expectations of their children, so no matter how hard they work, it is never good enough. Every person is always stressed and carries the burdens of society on their shoulders with no power of their own to fix anything because of the dictatorship that society is. One leader makes all rules and regulations depending on what they think on any given day and no citizen gives any input so life is very out of control. The weather is always gloomy and cold outside and the vegetation is dead and dreary. No one is allowed to have interpersonal relationships in my dystopia and even if they could, no one is trustworthy. All there would be to eat in this dystopia is vegetables and mush and no one is allowed to eat anything with sugar in it. People here cry on a regular basis and are truly unhappy because they are basically helpless. Also everyone here is also unhealthy and lives until 30.

  6. My Utopia would be a place where everyone in our world is tolerated. No matter race,gender,nationality,religion,or anything else. No one would be judged negatively for their past or present or for whatever they do. Also,people would take care of the earth and not trash it with wrappers,cans,and bottles. There will be a good balance between cold weather and warm weather. There will be tupac and biggie being blasted all over the city and people listening to each and every lyric. There would be such a cultural diversity with everyone speaking different languages. Everyone is outside always playing sports. There will also be no war or violence and everyone lived in peace and harmony.

    My Distopia would be a polluted environment with trash everywhere and bottles and cans. Everyone hated each other and never talked or interacted with each other. Constant gun shots fill the streets with noise. There are also a lot of drug users and the heavy smell of marijuana drifting through the industrialized streets around the smoke stacks. Kids are in the streets hustling and dealing drugs and there is no school or college or any academics. It is complete and utter hell.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. If I could design my own Utopia it would be a society filled with peace and happiness. Every day would be a perfect 70 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze. Schools would have amazing teachers who are educated, kind, and supportive. Students would be hard working and respectful to their authority. Families would show unconditional love and sympathy. People laugh at least three times a day to create a light and happy life. People would love to dance and sing for fun, goof around and not care what anyone thinks. In my Utopia there would be no war, meaning the world has nothing against other countries. People would not bully, swear often (only when hurt or scared), or make others feel hopeless. People would be able to share what they love and have people be open to their passion. Gays, lesbians, and transgenders, would feel open to be who they are and not be scared of people judging. School would be a place to learn about what you want to learn. Homework would be an option because my Utopia is a stress free environment. Everyone is family, neighbors, schools, countries, etc. Everyone would have three meals a day of healthy food so they live longer and feel better. Everyone lives until they are 100 because that is the perfect amount of time to live. Knowing when you die helps to lead an unstressful life because you don’t have the burden of wondering when death will come upon you. My Utopia would be in general a fun, open, kind, and happy place.
    My Dystopia would be almost the opposite of my Utopia. Everyday would be raining with skies dark grey, no sun in the sky. People would hate themselves for everything they do because nothing they do is good enough. School would be filled with mean teachers, who spend more time not agreeing with the students then educating them. Each teacher would assign students three hours of homework. No matter the grade. No sports would exist, or activities for children. Kids would be inside all day because of the stress they have to deal with. There would be a 50% of suicide rate for teenagers in high school. Most low class families would starve and even the wealthiest in society would have a limit of the amount of food to buy. People would bully, and hate others for being open and different. Every 10 minutes you would hear a gun shot. No one would be happy and the oldest people live is 30 years old.

  9. My utopia is dreamlike. Everything has the kind of grace and beauty you would only ever find in fairy tales. The light is always hitting the water perfectly, the stars are always visible at night, and you never stub your toe. This utopia is in a mountainous and a very heavily wooded region. People are generally happy, but not to the point of being annoying. Everyone is equal in this society. The government is completely unrealistic because although a single monarch rules it, he's the kind of jolly, benevolent Disney king with a puffy white beard who doesn't really do anything but sit on his throne and be happy. Everyone lives in tiny Tudor houses, and is free to do as they please so long as it doesn't make anyone’s day less pleasant. It's autumn all year round except for Christmas when it snows. Nobody ever goes hungry because there's always a quaint little tavern or an elegant banquet hall open for people to eat lots of wild boar and bison and ostrich and other weird meats. Hot apple cider is available on every cobblestone street corner. There are no sports in this world, or anything that would make someone (me) physically overwhelmed, sweaty, and annoyed. Books and pop tarts are free as they are seen as necessities. Times of day include dawn, dusk, and midnight. I guess, based on my description and how I'm picturing the society, the language would be something like Norwegian or Gaelic.

    My dystopian world would be saturated in neon colors, the sun would never go down, and everyone would sort of just have this normal discomfort. The government is strict and totalitarian, and they’d edit people’s memories to fit what they want them to believe. Punishment here is a very broad category. You could be made a slave, buried alive, tortured, etc. It would constantly be muggy and hot in this society, and there would always be some kid crying in the back of a movie theatre where they don’t even show any good movies. Everyone would just be really stressed, and would have a really hard time in this world.

  10. In my utopian world, the thought of perfection would not exist. People would not try so hard to be perfect nor be pressured to try to be perfect. People would have a limited income, meaning an individual can only make so much money. And there would be a minimum income for everyone. So poverty would not exist, although some people will live slightly better lives. The weather would be perfect everyday, good enough for swimming but cool enough to not sweat bullets. Backpacks, textbooks, anything needed for school would magically float next to us. Humans would not have the capability to be rude, jealous, or destructive (murder, abuse, steal, etc.) Food would be everywhere. When one is not quite sure of what they want, they could just ask their right hand: "right hand, what do I want to eat today?" and in a blink of an eye, a gourmet much-wanted plate of food would appear in front of their eyes. You can choose when you want to die. Everybody would belong to a family and they would all have homes. There would be a limit to how long you could work (5 pm). There would be quarterly holidays every year, simply to relax and enjoy time with family. Classrooms would have loud speakers every where for good music and charging stations. Low battery would never occur. Bugs would not bite and fear of bugs and reptiles would disappear because they would appear cute, like puppies. It would be a universal law that wars are not allowed. The goal of this utopian world would be to strive to be happy, not perfect. Help others become happy, not jealous. That is their duty. The rights of young adults would be much higher. Their would be no doubts that young adults could not make the right decision. People would volunteer to work, not ordered. Ice cream, brownies, and cookies are healthy, and cilantro would be poisonous.
    In a dystopian world, light would need to be bought. If you don't have the right amount of money, then unfortunately, you're going to have to live in complete darkness. School would be completely based on math. Health care was only provided for people who could complete a certain fitness test. Food would only be provided after a minimum number of hours were worked. And that would be physical, hard labor. Children would be separated from their mother at birth to prevent desire to be with them. They would never even see the father. As a result, love would not exist. Individuals would go on with their life alone. It would be an individual's duty to make sure each and every person would feel depressed and ugly. Bugs would be the size of textbooks, and all animals and bugs would fly. Dessert would be illegal and you could not survive without cilantro.

  11. My utopia would be purely amazing. The most important thing about it is that everyone is happy. Everyone has family and friends which they all love. There is no war but people are competetive and like to have fun with everything they do. Everyone is fed and healthy, and the government does not have a major effect on the population.
    My distopia a world that is always covered in darkness. Everyone has a long slow job that pays very little, and the government has much more power than necessary and is dictating the people unfairly. People are always losing their loved ones and important possesions to the government

  12. My perfect utopia would be a beautiful, clean, and stress free place. Every day would be partly cloudy and 60-70 degrees. Occasionally it would rain or snow, but it would be the type of precipitation that would want to go out and play in. Every day you would wake up whenever you want and you would have an array of every food imaginable to eat for breakfast. You would live with a fun loving family that never fought and everywhere you went you were accepted. You would not have to go to school past 5th grade if you did not want to because you would have a robot to give you information and do tasks for you. In school there would be no home work and lots of brake time. Every thing would be very clean and crisp. There would be no money system and everything you would want would be free as it would be made by the robots. There would be no rules but because no one would know anything but the norm. Nothing bad would ever happen, and every one would live a healthy and happy life.

    My dystopia would be a place filled with hatred and violence. There would be one all-powerful tyrant who is in complete control of an army which is used for hurting its people (I am writing this as if I were a common person not the tyrant as he would have a very good life). When you go outside you would see a fiery dark hell where every thing would be black and they sky would be filled with dark thunderclouds. You would only get to sleep 4 or 5 hours a week, just enough to keep you alive. All the people who live in the dystopia would have been taken from my perfect utopia so they would know how awful a condition they were in. Every day when you walk out side you would be constantly beat by someone in they tyrants army. You would work the entire day building things for the tyrant as well as serving his every command. You would get only enough food and water to keep you alive and when you stopped doing satisfactory work you would be suffocated to death while the tyrant watched. You would have no control over your own life and the life you had would be utterly miserable.

    -Brad Weissel D-block

  13. In my utopia, love and compassion would exist everywhere. Everyone would be treated equal and judgments wouldn't be constantly thrown about people. The weather would be always nice- not too hot and not too cold. Everyone would work hard to help the society and to help become the best they could be. Along with the hard work, hands would be given to help others guide their way through obstacles. Laughing would occur frequently and anger would be held to a minimal. Everyone would have their own opinion and rumors wouldn't exist. Staying active and participating in what anyone wants to would be acceptable and social acceptance wouldn't be harsh. My utopia would be a community of help from everyone and respect as well as happiness and support. Also importantly, delicious unhealthy foods would help lose weight rather than gain.

    My dystopia, on the other hand, would be a world of hate and disrespect. Everyone would be harsh to others and happiness would be minimal. Their would be one superior leader who makes all the decisions and the consent of the people wouldn't be acknowledged. Work would be so hard and no help would be given. Sleep would be minimal and expectations would be too high for every person. In my dystopia, people would make assumptions and base their actions towards a person on lies or assumptions they had previously heard. Judgements would be made on every action one makes and fitting in would be hard. Racism would be strong and diversity would be unacceptable. The weather would be freezing every day, all year around, and the sun would come out rarely. Deathly diseases would be common and the age of usual death would be before high school was even over. Murder and crime would happen on a daily and the society would be extremely unsafe.

  14. In my Utopia, all individuals would have equal say, and all opinions would be heard. People would be kind to each other, and love one another. Racism would never occur, and different races would come together, treating all individuals equally. Expressing oneself and chasing after what one wants would be key. All individuals would be socially accepted, and judgements would never occur. Grudges would never be held.Our humankind would go about their days with a positive vibe. The seasons would change, and everyone would love every season when it comes, for it gives change to our every day lives. Those who chose to work hard would never fail. All people would have enough food all the time. People would want to help others, and not just live in a bubble for themselves. People would care for one another.

    In my dystopia, there would be one person ruling the rest. No one would be allowed to express themselves, and everyone would be the same. No variety in anything. Days would be grey and cold, and people would live in misery. If anyone tried to break free from their sad everyday life, they would be punished harshly, and judged by everyone around them. Hate would fill the air, and our humankind would treat each other with disrespect cruelness. People with different races would never interlock, one could only interact with those of their race. Diversity would be against the law. Each individual would follow in the path of the rest, live the same life as every one else, and no one would have to work for anything. Once a person is born, their entire life would be given to them, and decided for them. "Fun" or "beautiful" or "peace" would not exist in their vocabulary. The world would be dark.

  15. My utopia would mainly focus on equality. Everyone would want to live here and they would be able to feel welcome. There would be no oppression and discouragement. If someone wanted to chase a dream, they would be fully supported and encouraged to do so. Everyone would be like family to each other and hatred and anger would not exist. There would be an abundance of the natural resources that we as human beings need to survive and no one would ever lack water or food. There would be no need for labor or stressful jobs because anything that we could possibly need to produce could be made with a controlled thought. This would be a peaceful and content society.

    In my dystopian society, there would be hatred and anger wherever you went. No one would be friendly or try to communicate and understand each other. People would constantly judge others by their appearance, race, abilities, and thoughts. Humans would not be capable of thinking or speaking positively because they would only be stressing about their jobs. There would be a few people at the top who have all of the power and wealth while the rest were required to work for little amounts of pay. These circumstances would lead to fights and violence, making this a bitter and miserable society.
    -Stephanie Man

  16. My perfect utopia would be a place full of love and kindness. I would be surrounded by my family and friends 24/7. There would be no wars between countries and no fights between friends or parents. One could never get sick since everyone would always be healthy. Everyone would be treated equal people wouldn't be constantly judged. There would never be any stress, about anything. There would be no poverty since everyone could succeed and have a job. One could eat whatever they want without worrying and one could be confident with themselves. I could imagine anything I would want to wear and it would appear. I would have 3 day weekends and a shorter school week. The weather would be 75 degrees with some wind (not too hot or cold). It would be the perfect weather for tanning but not sweating to death.

    My dystopia would be a world full of stress hate disrespect and constant judgement. Nothing would be fair and everyone would judge each other. Family and friends would never be around and one would live on there own. War and crime would happen on a daily basis and one could never be safe. The weather would either be freezing or humid, and you could never get a tan. The government would be a tyranny and one would have no say in anything.

  17. In my utopia the word around me will be filled with the things i love and care for in my everyday life to make me feel as comfortable as possible all the time. It would be a 100% stress free environment to ensure the happiness of everyone around me. Life would not be fair though because nothing imaginable is fair. People would not b judges based on appearances and beliefs and everyone would be accepted. The location of my utopia would be in the most beautiful place with weather that suits everyones desires. Also people would get plenty of time to hang out live wealthy and comfterable and see there loved ones as much as they want. People who are unable to work are not required to work but must provide some sort of contribution towards society. Lastly there are water parks, roller coasters, football games, Hockey games, and fancy steak restaurants everywhere.

    My dystopia on the other hand would be completely different. The government would control 100% of all rules and decisions and regulations. People would not have the ability to express them selves freely and everyone would constantly be judges. People would have to work for very long hours, in very harsh conditions for very little wages. Visiting family members would be completely prohibited and there was no fun of any type. The weather would always be miserable, and the sky would always be grey. In retrospect life would be terrible.

    Noah Finn

  18. If I could design a utopian world it would be a large and successful society. I believe that individuals should have the right to compete in a society for money and success, while still remaining smart and reasonable. What would make my utopia unique is its intelligence and morals. Every person in the utopia would be intelligent, but each in their own way. Also, everyone would have a strong set of morals, which would agree to societies general consensus of what is right. Everyone would not be the same, but everyone would know how to live sanely and rationally. Additionally, all corruption would be gone and people could spend more time focusing on common goals such as scientific and medical advancements. The ultimate goal would be a society of well behaved, but still unique individuals all working towards a better understanding of life and the universe.

    My dystopian society is hard to imagine. I think that everyone would be depressed, but with the knowledge of what happiness feels like. People would spend all day trapped in their worst fears, pains, and nightmares. Personally, this would mean that there would be spiders everywhere. I would have to eat spiders for all meals, and I would sleep on a bed of spiders. Additionally, everyone would be fully aware of what is going on, as to maximize the discomfort they're in. Ignorance would not be bliss for anyone. There would be no reprieve, and you would be allowed to have hope, only to never to escape. A final torture would be that everyone would know what is happening to the whole society, and yet no one would have the power to release anyone. Life would be eternal, and torture would be all anyone ever experienced.

  19. In my utopia, there will be no wars and conflict. Everything will be free, but people will still work because they want to. People will go to school and get educated. Everyone will be tolerant of others views in politics, religion, and more. There will be police officers just in case anyone breaks the law. The government wont be big, but there will be one to make and hard decision for the place they rule. There will be no health issues, spiders, insects, bad people, or early deaths. Everyone will be happy with themselves. There will be hot summers and snowy winters. Everyone will be friends with each other at school, work etc. My family and friends would around me 24/7 as well, and there will always be love and kindness in the air. It'll just be a stress free environment for all.
    In my dystopia, the government will rule all their people way too harshly. They wont have a say in anything and will therefore feel powerless and unimportant to society as a whole. The earth will be polluted and there will be no happiness or light in peoples futures. All people will do is stress and worry and be angry

  20. In my Utopia, everyone would be seen and treated as equals. Also, bullying would not be tolerated under any circumstances.It would be sunny everyday of the year, and there would ALWAYS be a white and snowy Christmas. Everyone would have job, no matter how much money you make you would still be employed and have shelter. Apart of kids having to go to school, community service would be offered everyday after school and on weekends to help the under privileged because I feel strongly about everyone working together striving to become the best they can be. Along with sports and physical activity would be available for any in want of participating, being healthy would be a key part of my Utopia. Family would also be important as well has having a pet if no one was allergic. My Utopia would also consist of happiness and freedom, religion would not be required and any holiday could be celebrated by whomever. Lastly, any marriage is legal you may marry whoever you want as long as you are happy. Weddings are also not required to be wed. My Utopia would be a safe and fun, attractive place to all ages and genders.

    My dystopia would be a place full of darkness and hatred. There would be no available places to seek help for sickness or guidance, there would also would be one ruler who creates all of the rules based off of his/her own opinions. You also could only side with the highest person of power, you could not side against the ruler or you would penalized or killed. All weapons would be legal, no ID's required. The police didn't exist, all drugs were legal for any age. Cyber bullying and any bullying is okay- there is no punishment. Junk food was free, and you had to pay for healthy food. School was not required, and sports were only allowed to be played by men. The average age for death was 30 years and under. It would be snow almost everyday or rain or hail, it would thunder constantly. You could only live with your family until you're 10 years old and then you would have to move out and live on your own. The society would be extremely unsafe and anyone from any country would be allowed in.

  21. My utopia would be really relaxed. Every morning their would be coffee or tea and people would converse honestly about the important things in life. There would be farmers markets and gardens everywhere. life would be consumed by art and passion and the pursuit of happiness. Everyone would have individual fresh perspectives to make things interesting and offer insight. Wealth would be measured in how much love and compassion you give and receive instead of money. We wouldn't waste time on superficial subjects but instead be engaged in what is important to us. Also headaches and terminal illnesses would have cures or not exist. And there would be pugs and theaters everywhere.

    My dystopia would be a place discrimination and prejudice of race, gender, class, sexual orientation and gender expression. Minorities would be oppressed and the government would control our realities. We would have superficial motives and no sleep. Everyone would work in cubical's and work on finances.Everyone would look the same and those who stood out would be beaten killed or shunned. Everyone would suppress their feelings and have conversations like "What's the weather like today?" Our government would allow injustice and keep us uneducated and powerless. People would be numb to any kind of happiness or pain they could possibly feel, they'd just feel nothing and be fine with that.

    Kat Quinn D block

  22. In my utopia, there would be no such thing as money. People could take things that they need or want, but no one would have to worry about working three different jobs just to get by. There would be no exclusive schools, and people could get to choose a career that is fun and exciting for them. I think people should be forced to work, but they could choose to do whatever they want and not have to worry about getting hired at a specific company. Teachers and students would be more energetic and enthusiastic because students only take classes they want to take, and no certain classes are required of them. This would make the stress levels a lot lower in almost everyone.There would always be some sort of entertainment available so that no one is ever bored.

    In my dystopia, children would be forced to spend every day in school in classes they do not enjoy, with extremely disinterested teachers. Members of the workforce would have extremely dreary, low-paying jobs, and everything in the world would be extremely overpriced so that only millionaires could get by. Poverty rates would be high and no one would be happy. Governments would constantly get involved in wars that do not make sense and that the people do not support. There would be high crime rates and the police forces would crack down on little things like jaywalking and not pay attention to murder and rape. Everyone would be miserable

  23. My utopian world would be filled with peace and happiness and violence wouldn't exist. There would be no war and everyone is protected by the government. People would have control over their society and success. They would also be able to determine their destinies. Everyone would be equal and race, nationality, gender, or religion wouldn't be judged and it won<t affect your rights and freedom. The schools would be more fun with less homework and we still have the best school with good grades. We would all be able to go to college or pursue any other dreams of ours without any struggles. Everything would be free and people would have access to anything they want. Food and shelter would be provided by the government for free also. The weather would also be summer everyday like around 85 degrees. Sickness wouldn't exist and every one is safe from harm.
    My dystopian world would be in darkness. We would all live under a dictatorship and have to abide by all their harsh rules. People would have no freedom and we would be kept in check by the cruel armies. Society would be filled with violence and war everywhere you go. Deaths would be sky high due to battles and incurable diseases. Everyone would be soulless , with no emotions at all. No one could afford anything, so the population would live below the poverty line.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. In my utopia, there is no illnesses or diseases. Health is very important and everyone has the option to make good choices. Good tasting food is healthy too. Everyone loves each other and the importance of family is always emphasized. Disliking things is not an abstract idea because love is so important. Rumors don’t happen and bullying is a foreign concept. Every day is sunny and the temperature is always perfect for the season. In the winter snow is abundant and in the spring flowers bloom everywhere. In the summer, everyone goes to camp. People are always engaged in what they love and stress does not exist. There is minimal homework so that everyone can get over eight hours of sleep a night. Everyone is very laid back and relaxed. Each person feels welcome wherever he or she goes. Diversity is common and very accepted. Nothing is determined by your race or religion. There is no poverty, and more importantly everyone has enough food to eat every day and a house to sleep in. Family and friends are very important and everyone gets along. Animals are also important and so many families have pets. Finally, there are no allergies and no one ever feels sick.

    My dystopian society would be filled with darkness and gloom. Everyone would be very upset all the time. School would be for 10 hours a day and you would get over 7 hours of homework. Everyone is very stressed out, and in turn get mad at each other often. The only food choice available would be milk. The sun never comes out and the sky is always gray. No one does jobs they enjoy. Most people hate each other, and families never get along. Friendships are scarce and frowned upon. Poverty is everywhere and many people are homeless and hungry. Color isn’t common and everyone wears black all the time. Everyone has a monotone, boring voice. The government allows no freedom and they are very harsh with punishments. Most importantly, disease is everywhere. Most people are sick about 200 days a year. Disease spreads quickly and there are no doctors. No one cares to help out with each other and a hateful vibe is everywhere.

  26. My Utopian society would be full of peace and kindness. Nobody would be villians, nobody would be homeless. I would be a place free of any bad hardships. People that are homeless will have homes, villians wont exist because crime wont exist either. My example of a Utopia would focus mainly on the happy lives of everyone who lives within the Utopia. What I am trying to describe is this Utopia would be a place free of hate, free of racism, free of crime, and free of war. place for.It would be a great place for people who don't want any hardships in their way and just want to live perfectly in peace. There would be no main leader or even dictator it would be successfully run by the people who live within the Utopia, there would be no conflict.

    My disyopia would be the exact opposite. It would be the farthest thing from being perfect and peaceful. There would be war, there would be a dictatorship or only one leader, there would be no peace, it would be an everyday struggle to survive. Nothing would come easy in the Dystopia and every single day would be the exact opposite of a Utopia, every day would be terrifying and it would be extremely hard to live happily.

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  29. 1. My utopian world would be a place where you could express your ideas. Every idea that was expressed would be listened to and responded on. This world would be (in my opinion) perfect, because when ideas are expressed it becomes a provocative thought in your mind. Therefore the world would be filled with people who are creative and imaginative.

    2. My distopian world would be a place where people cannot express ideas to the general public and where the ideas and thoughts of people were frowned upon. This would be a world where the imagination and creativity of people would be almost or non-existant. The world would be a place where you could not think on your own and would not have any freedom for the most important freedom that you could have. Freedom of your thoughts.

  30. My Utopia and Dystopia by Melissa L.
    E block

    1) In my personal utopia everyone would get along and there would be no such thing as war or disease. There would be peace and harmony all around the world. There would be no homeless or hungry people in desperate need of help. Everyone would be happy 95% of the time, but not all the time because then they would not know the difference of what being unhappy feels like. My personal utopia would also include a lot of dancing, singing, shopping and swimming. There would be activities like these going on all the time. For half of the year, kids would be in school, but school would be taught in a way that is fun and affective. There would be about five minutes of homework a night so that the kids would continue to learn the material, but would not have to struggle or take up long periods of time doing homework. The other half of the year would be a time for camp or other activities of personal choice. It would always be nice outside (sunny and warm) with occasional rain and coolness. Camps would be run by well-organized and efficient people that cared about what would be best for the kids and staff, not one over the other. People would want to work at a camp because it would pay well and money would not be an issue for anyone. Everyone, including adults, would do what they love and love what they do during the entire year.
    2) My dystopia would be a dark and terrible place. Everyone would dislike everything and would only ever want to be alone. There would be fighting in the streets and wars all the time. Crime would be everywhere and there would be no way to protect oneself from getting hurt. Everyone would almost constantly be in pain other than a few moments of relief per day. Wherever people lived there would be one evil ruler with every kind of weapon imaginable and strict laws banning all things enjoyable. This evil ruler would make it a priority to make everyone absolutely miserable. Poverty and hunger would be major issues that attacked everyone and the only jobs would consist of back-breaking physical labor for the common people. Even people who worked for the evil ruler would constantly be unhappy. Everyone would be treated like slaves and commanded to do many arduous tasks at all times of the day and night. Many of these commands would be to punish people who enjoyed anything in life. These punishments would be torture for the person giving them and receiving them.

  31. My utopia, would be a place in which happiness triumphs over all evils. Although sadness would have to exist in small amounts, just to remind people not to take happiness for granted and see it as a normal, the majority emotion for all would just be pure bliss. Everyone would live thier lives to the fullest, and see happiness as a main goal. Also, everone would be equal. No matter thier background, race and intelligence, each person would be treated the same, and would recieve the same amount of privilege. Meaness and corruption, would cease to exist and thus bullying, teasing and tormenting in turn would also vanish. The principles the society would rely on in addition to happiness, would be goodheartedness and genuinely. Everone would be completely themselves and would never live in fear of being mistreated for doing so.

    My distopia would be a world that revolves around social hierarchy. The society would revolve around the distinct and finite differences between classes. Each person would look out for only themselves and thus all forms of friendship would be unfathomable. Everyone would feel along, all the time and no comfort could be found in others. Also there would be no forms of communication. A language would not exist and thus it would be impossible to communicate with nay one else. There would be one supreme monarch, who ruled harshly and unjustly: punishing and torturing even innocent civilians.
