Sunday, November 24, 2013

Merchant Thought-Provoker #2

Time to get provocative!

In Act Two, Shakespeare gives us two soliloquies: one LONG (by Lancelet, at the start of 2.2) and one very SHORT (by Jessica, at the end of 2.3). Both of them deal with the same thing: abandoning Shylock and dealing with the consequences.

So, given our discussion on "complexity" in class on Friday, let's think about complexity in the characters of Shylock, Jessica and Lancelet: are we supposed to side with Jessica and Lancelet, or are we supposed to side with Shylock? Are we supposed to cheer on their efforts to emancipate themselves from the Jew, or are we supposed to feel for Shylock?

There are no right answers here, people, only provocations. But remember that if you want to be taken seriously, you've got to back up your points with textual evidence.

And here's a version of the Lancelet speech from the recent Broadway production of The Merchant of Venice. Watch it first!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Merchant Thought-Provoker #1


The entire plot of The Merchant of Venice kicks off because Antonio decides to say "yes" to Bassanio's request for a loan.'s the confusing thing: Bassanio clearly owes money all over town, and he isn't even shy about telling Antonio that he wasted all of his money on drinking and partying.

So, why does Antonio decide to lend Bassanio the money...or, even more, why does he decide to stake a pound of HIS OWN FLESH for the sake of this hard-partying, irresponsible guy?

Answer with:

a) quotations from the text
b) thoughts about Antonio's character
c) thoughts about Bassanio's character
d) thoughts about Antonio and Bassanio's relationship

Have fun!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dystopian Movie Projects

Filmmakers and Families...

Here are the AMAZING works of dystopian cinema that you all produced these past weeks. Share them with everyone!








You have all done amazing collaborative work on this project, and should be very proud. It makes all of us here at Global excited to see what you do with this year's other group projects!